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enforce self-closing style

  • ⚙️ This rule is included in all of "plugin:vue/strongly-recommended", *.configs["flat/strongly-recommended"], "plugin:vue/vue2-strongly-recommended", *.configs["flat/vue2-strongly-recommended"], "plugin:vue/recommended", *.configs["flat/recommended"], "plugin:vue/vue2-recommended" and *.configs["flat/vue2-recommended"].
  • 🔧 The --fix option on the command line can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

📖 Rule Details

This rule aims to enforce the self-closing sign as the configured style.

In Vue.js template, we can use either two styles for elements which don't have their content.

  1. <YourComponent></YourComponent>
  2. <YourComponent/> (self-closing)

Self-closing is simple and shorter, but it's not supported in the HTML spec.

<template> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <div/> <img> <MyComponent/> <svg><path d=""/></svg> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <div></div> <img/> <MyComponent></MyComponent> <svg><path d=""></path></svg> </template>
Now loading...

🔧 Options

  "vue/html-self-closing": ["error", {
    "html": {
      "void": "never",
      "normal": "always",
      "component": "always"
    "svg": "always",
    "math": "always"
  • html.void ("never" by default) ... The style of well-known HTML void elements.
  • html.normal ("always" by default) ... The style of well-known HTML elements except void elements.
  • html.component ("always" by default) ... The style of Vue.js custom components.
  • svg("always" by default) .... The style of well-known SVG elements.
  • math("always" by default) .... The style of well-known MathML elements.

Every option can be set to one of the following values:

  • "always" ... Require self-closing at elements which don't have their content.
  • "never" ... Disallow self-closing.
  • "any" ... Don't enforce self-closing style.

html: {normal: "never", void: "always"}

<template> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <div></div> <img/> <MyComponent/> <svg><path d=""/></svg> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <div/> <img> <MyComponent></MyComponent> <svg><path d=""></path></svg> </template>
Now loading...

📚 Further Reading

🚀 Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-vue v3.11.0

🔍 Implementation