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require shorthand form attribute when v-bind value is true

  • 💡 Some problems reported by this rule are manually fixable by editor suggestions.

📖 Rule Details

v-bind attribute with true value usually can be written in shorthand form. This can reduce verbosity.

<template> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <MyComponent v-bind:show="true" /> <MyComponent :show="true" /> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <MyComponent show /> <MyComponent another-prop="true" /> </template>
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The shorthand form is not always equivalent! If a prop accepts multiple types, but Boolean is not the first one, a shorthand prop won't pass true.

export default {
  name: 'MyComponent',
  props: {
    bool: Boolean,
    boolOrString: [Boolean, String],
    stringOrBool: [String, Boolean],

Shorthand form:

<MyComponent bool bool-or-string string-or-bool />
bool: true (boolean)
boolOrString: true (boolean)
stringOrBool: "" (string)

Longhand form:

<MyComponent :bool="true" :bool-or-string="true" :string-or-bool="true" />
bool: true (boolean)
boolOrString: true (boolean)
stringOrBool: true (boolean)

Those two calls will introduce different render result. See this demo.

🔧 Options

Default options is "always".

  "vue/prefer-true-attribute-shorthand": ["error",
    "always" | "never",
      except: []
  • "always" (default) ... requires shorthand form.
  • "never" ... requires long form.
  • except (string[]) ... specifies a list of attribute names that should be treated differently.


<template> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <MyComponent show /> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <MyComponent :show="true" /> <MyComponent v-bind:show="true" /> </template>
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"never", { 'except': ['value', '/^foo-/'] }

<template> <!-- ✗ BAD --> <MyComponent show /> <MyComponent :value="true" /> <MyComponent :foo-bar="true" /> <!-- ✓ GOOD --> <MyComponent :show="true" /> <MyComponent value /> <MyComponent foo-bar /> </template>
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🚀 Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-vue v8.5.0

🔍 Implementation