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require a certain macro variable name

  • 💡 Some problems reported by this rule are manually fixable by editor suggestions.

📖 Rule Details

This rule reports macro variables not corresponding to the specified name.

<!-- ✓ GOOD --> <script setup> const props = defineProps({ msg: String }) const emit = defineEmits(['update:msg']) </script>
Now loading...
<!-- ✗ BAD --> <script setup> const propsDefined = defineProps({ msg: String }) const emitsDefined = defineEmits(['update:msg']) </script>
Now loading...

🔧 Options

  "vue/require-macro-variable-name": ["error", {
    "defineProps": "props",
    "defineEmits": "emit",
    "defineSlots": "slots",
    "useSlots": "slots",
    "useAttrs": "attrs"
  • defineProps - The name of the macro variable for defineProps. default: props
  • defineEmits - The name of the macro variable for defineEmits. default: emit
  • defineSlots - The name of the macro variable for defineSlots. default: slots
  • useSlots - The name of the macro variable for useSlots. default: slots
  • useAttrs - The name of the macro variable for useAttrs. default: attrs

With custom macro variable names

<script setup> const slotsCustom = defineSlots() const attrsCustom = useAttrs() </script>
Now loading...

🚀 Version

This rule was introduced in eslint-plugin-vue v9.15.0

🔍 Implementation